Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Thirty Day Blogging Challenge

Every year I have this plan, and every year I fail to carry it through.

The plan consists of this: As a high school English teacher, with a bachelor's degree in English, I believe the best thing a teacher can do besides teach is to actually use the skill they teach as a hobby or side job.  So the plan is always to be a writer as well as a teacher.

Don't get me wrong.  I write.  A lot.  However, most of it is not writing I like to make public - it is in journals or other non-public places.  I want writing that serves as a good model for my students and encourages them to write in their spare time; therefore, I am starting this blog.

The first part of this blog is the thirty day blogging challenge.  I found a lot of lists for thirty day challenges, so I printed them and then chose a few off each list to create my own list, which I have typed below.  I will not go through these topics in order, but rather when I feel inspired on each topic, I will write about it that day.

1. Be the magic... (In what ways can I be the magic in your life and the lives of others?)
2. I am thankful for...
3. My bucket list
4. My favorite quote and why
5. Things I love
6. My dream job
7. My career goals
8. My personal goals
9. Things to do when I have time to myself
10.Things I am proud of about my personality
11. My zodiac sign and how it fits my personality
12. A moment I felt the most satisfied with my life
13. Somewhere I would like to move or visit and why
14. My views on mainstream music
15. My views on the importance of education
16. My favorite TV show and why
17. Ten of my likes and dislikes
18. Review of my current favorite song and the band/musician
19. Review of the last book I read
20. If the world were to end tomorrow, what would I do with my remaining time on earth, hour by hour?
21. A letter to a friend or relative who has passed away
22. Would I rather date someone plain with an amazing personality or someone beautiful with a plain personality?  Why?
23. My proudest moment
24. The best trip of my life
25.  My favorite childhood book
26. A review of the last movie I watched
27. What makes me happy?
28. What makes me sad?
29. My hidden talent
30. An embarrassing moment

I hope you join me on my journey; more than that, I hope this inspires you to write, whether in a public or private venue!

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